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Our history

Our mission for 40 years has been to create with love, clothes for leisure and fitness that make people proud to wear, respected for buying them, well with their lives whenever they use them. More than national recognition, ALTO GIRO wants to be loved for the way it relates to people and the world. For this we develop social projects and establish partnerships because we believe that we reap what we sow.

Technology and quality

For our designers to exercise their creativity in our collection, it is necessary that the entire production chain is constantly evolving. Always seeking to innovate and be attentive to new technologies, ALTO GIRO has specifics softwares for production management, computerized cutting system integrated with modeling. Also has project and planning, programming and productivity control sectors. At our suppliers, we seek innovative yarn technologies that combine physical benefits, comfortable modeling and trends.

Socio-environmental actions

The concern for the well-being of everyone connected to ALTO GIRO is highlighted in its structure through a restaurant, a leisure and rest area for employees. Seeking to help our employees, the New Possibilities project was created five years ago, which serves children of employees aged 12 to 16 years in reinforcement classes in the subjects of English, mathematics and Portuguese, in addition to music and theater classes. There are almost 100 teenagers who attend the project during the school year. We value and participate in incentive projects such as “Jovem Aprendiz” and social inclusion projects, always seeking greater interaction with society. We also have a project with APAE Maringá, which makes it possible to reuse the fabric scraps that are made by the students and reacquired by the company in the form of a hair ornament that are lovingly offered to our customers.